Tuesday, April 20, 2010

what was i into before. lol

lol i was looking through my first year stuff.
and i came across my first yera subject Managing People and Organisations.
i barely remember doing this subject lol
i remember doing my 30% assignment on some leader member exchange (LMX) theory, and hence i remade a bored aussies account lmx- just so that i didnt' have to play with eveyrone else lol.
i remember copying a whoel chunk of shit about a particular section, and getting complimented that it was a very good descriptoin. inside i felt really successfull that i managed to plageurise directly without being caught lol.
i saw some of my notes.
and its got lik international business and globalisation in it. like wtf i dont' even remember learning this, and like it was only last year when i got really into international business and globalisation lols
how weird. it probalbly didnt' even click in the first year. maybe coz my mind was diverted elsewhere lols
i remember i did business management in like year 10 with Janus. and was like WTF THIS SUBJECT IS GAY. and i got like C+ or something lol
maybe coz maths was so much easier lol.
and now im doing commerce.
how ironic

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