Thursday, April 22, 2010

mhs kid ftl

So the kid lost contact with me, and didn't reply my calls, and later replied my msg claiming they didn't have this number saved.

2 scenarios.
1. the number is wrong, and i saved it wrong.
but then why hasn't the kid contacted me?
means doesnt' want me

2. the number is right, and the kid was just pretending. fucker
so he doesnt' want me, and actually wasted 25 cents to msg me back and say who is this lol.
what a dumbass.
means doesnt' want me either but in a really stupid way.

lol fuck thatttt lol


  1. lol you got SMOKED.
    SCHOOLED by someone 3 yrs younger.

  2. lols
    yeh epic bl to me.
    and i went to the effort of looking up vcaa shit as well. fuckkk lol
